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Events and Sessions

How to create an event or a group session 📹

Step 1: To begin creating a group event, click on "Group Events" from the menu bar, then click on "Create Event (201)".

How to update an existing event schedule (add, remove sessions)

This article will show you how to customize an existing event schedule in CARMIS. Please note that sessions become locked...

How to register clients for an event 📹

Client registration determines which clients are available to be marked for attendance.

How to mark attendance for sessions 📹

CARMIS events provide functionality for recording event session attendance, including transportation and interpreter services that were provided.

How to record childcare services at an event session

The childcare services feature allows you to record childcare services provided during your agency's events. This guide will focus only...

Event attendance notes overview

Event attendance notes allow you to record notes about the attendance of any client registered for a given session. Notes...

How to upload attendance from Zoom or MS Teams

The Upload Attendance module allows you to process Zoom and MS Teams attendance reports, cross-referencing user emails with client profiles....

How to create an online registration form for an event

CARMIS allows you to create online registration forms for your events. These forms can increase the convenience for both you...